Health Intelligence Networks

Public Health England (PHE) has five health intelligence networks for cancer, cardiovascular disease, child and maternal health, mental health, dementia and neurology, and end of life care.

About the networks

The networks analyse data and turn it into meaningful, timely health intelligence to inform the planning of high quality, cost-effective services. They bring together stakeholders who ensure that data and knowledge are used effectively to improve people’s health and wellbeing and quality of care. These include the NHS, charities, organisations which hold data, researchers and members of the public. Engagement and training activities increase users’ understanding of the data for research, policy, planning, commissioning and service delivery. Through this collaborative effort, the networks aim to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities locally and nationally.

Common goals

The health intelligence networks link closely with strategic clinical networks (SCNs) and other parts of the NHS system in England that have responsibility for improving health services for specific patient groups. The networks provide support to the SCNs and others in this drive for improvement, particularly by highlighting opportunities for improved outcomes at different points along the patient pathway. They have their eye on long-term goals such as improved data linkage, efficient translation of research findings and supporting a shift in resources ‘upstream’ to primary and secondary prevention. As part of PHE’s national knowledge and intelligence service, the networks aim to get the right information to the right people at the right time to support wider efforts to improve public health.

The Networks:

National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN)

National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN)

National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network (ChiMat)

National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Networks (NMHDNINs)

National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN)


For more information, contact enquiries at phe dot link